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CANADA: The True North Strong and Free

July 1st, 2012 by Michael Dyet

Hmmm, where would you find the longest coastline in the world, the largest amount of fresh water in the world and the longest bridge in the world?

If you’re a Canadian, you just need to look out your window for the answer. 145 years ago today we became The Dominion of Canada.

We Canadians are not known for flag waving. We’re a modest nation most of the time. But once a year we let down our modesty and celebrate how truly great we are. And today’s the day.

It has been said that Canada lacks an identity. But I beg to differ. We’re defined by the land we live in and by the majesty of that very land. We are not just that country up above the United States. We are not an afterthought.

We are the second largest country in the world:

with a land mass of 9.9 million square kilometres 25% of which is still covered in verdant forest

with more than 100 stately national parks and no shortage of historic sites

with 243,792 kilometres of soul-stirring coastline

with 2 million crystal blue lakes and 466,697 square kilometres of freshwater

with the longest national highway in the world: the noble Trans-Canada highway stretching 7,841 kilometres from coast to coast

with the longest bridge in the world: The Confederation Bridge between Prince Edward Island and the mainland

with more than our share of majestic mountain ranges: Torngats, Appalachians, Laurentians, Rockies, Coastal, Mackenzie, Mt. St. Elias and the Pelly Mountains

with the magnificent and breathtaking Niagara Falls

And since I happen to reside in southern Ontario, let’s talk for a moment about the Great Lakes – a string of five interconnected lakes unrivalled anywhere in the world.

Together lakes Ontario, Erie, Michigan, Huron and the mighty Superior hold 6 quadrillion gallons of fresh water – one fifth of the world’s fresh water and 84% of the surface water supply in North America. If the water contained in the Great Lakes was spread evenly across the continental U.S., it would submerge the country under about 9.5 feet of water.

Yes, we Canadians are a modest people. But that doesn’t mean we aren’t proud of who we are and the land we live in. In many ways, Canada is bigger than life. It is a metaphor all on its own for beauty, freedom and tolerance in a world much in need of those qualities.

We are Canadians, 34 million strong, and proud of it. And we aren’t about to change anytime soon.

~ Michael Robert Dyet is the author of “Until the Deep Water Stills – An Internet-enhanced Novel” – double winner in the Reader Views Literary Awards 2009. Visit Michael’s website at www.mdyetmetaphor.comor the novel online companion at

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