For an author, every person he or she encounters is a possible character for a story. Every once and a while, a real-life eccentric comes along that proves to be irresistible. The story begins to unfold in the author’s mind and demands to be written.
The story Incorrigible, from Hunting Muskie: Rites of Passage, is the result of once such encounter. What follows is a short excerpt from the story to whet your appetite.
….. Huckleberry, I’ve told you a thousand times. You shouldn’t feed the mice.”
Vera’s voice startled him, but resonated in his ears like a finely tuned bow string.
“I swear you make less noise than a feather in a wind storm. After 60 years you’d think I’d hear you coming.”
“Don’t go changing the subject on me. I’m wise to your wily ways.”
“Ever seen one in the house? No, because they know this is where the food is. There’s a method in my madness. And for the love of Lucifer, for 60 years you’ve called me Huck. Now out of the blessed blue I’m Huckleberry?”
“Time was you’d be tickled pink if I called you that.”
“Well, no more. I’m Huck and leave it at that.”
“You’ll always be Huckleberry to me.”
“Have it your way. I’m not of a mind to argue,” he relented, resisting the fond smile that tugged at the corners of his mouth.
“Are you of a mind to clean up this shed? Every newspaper that came into this place in the last ten years is still here. What will people think?”
Huck scanned the confines of the shed. Small motors of every size, shape and make rested on stacks of yellowing newspapers. A path barely wide enough to navigate wound from the shed door to a desk littered with spare parts.
“You think I don’t know what people say? Crazy, old motor man. Couple bricks short of a load. I don’t give a good goddamn. Nobody but you ever understood me, Vera. I expect that’s not likely to change.”
“Huckleberry, what am I going to do with you? I won’t be around forever, you know.”
Huck’s brow furrowed. His bad left eye, on the side where the cow kicked him many years back, drooped half shut.
“You’re always talking that way. But you’re too stubborn by half to go before me……
Intrigued? Get your copy of Hunting Muskie: Rites of Passage and find out where that fateful day takes Huck – and why the photograph at the top of this post is appropriate.
~ My Latest Work: Hunting Muskie, Rites of Passage – Stories by Michael Robert Dyet
~ Michael Robert Dyet is the author of Until the Deep Water Stills -An Internet-enhanced Novel which was a double winner in the Reader Views Literary Awards 2009. Visit my website at or the novel online companion at
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