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Random Act of Metaphor: A Skiming Bluet at Home on Pond Lily

July 26th, 2020 by Michael Dyet

Hmmm, how much do we overlook because we do not pause to ask the uncomfortable questions?

I took this photograph yesterday on my weekend outing in search of the winged wonders that continue to entrance me. It struck me as symbolic in a number of ways.

The tiny Bluet perched on the much larger Lily reminds me how small each of us really are in the grand scheme of things. We often act like we are the center of our own universe. But that it is purely hubris.

As a study the photo, the damselfly seems to be contemplating the waves of white, and the forest of yellow stamens at the center of the Lily, for no other reason than the beauty of it and the safe harbour it offers. A moment of reverence we would all be well advised to mimic.

Then there is the observation that the one inch long Bluet is a representative of the miniscule world of creatures we easily overlook as we scurry about the hectic business of living. We need to slow down, take a breath and catch all that we have been missing.

And on the same line of thinking, we are called to look more closely at life, especially in these turbulent times, to perceive and unravel the often unseen forces that are at play for purposes that may not be in the best interests of us all.

A Skimming Bluet making itself at home on a Pond Lily – a random act of metaphor to remind me that there is so much more to life than meets the eye when we skim over the surface of it without pausing to wonder… Why?

Now Available Online from Amazon, Chapters Indigo or Barnes & Noble: Hunting Muskie, Rites of Passage – Stories by Michael Robert Dyet

~ Michael Robert Dyet is also the author of Until the Deep Water Stills – An Internet-enhanced Novel which was a double winner in the Reader Views Literary Awards 2009. Visit Michael’s website at .

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