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The Shape of Things to Come: Three Predictions

January 30th, 2021 by Michael Dyet

Hmmm, what will life look like when we wake up after the pandemic?

I confess I am tired of writing about the pandemic. I have no doubt you are equally tired of reading about it. However, given the Stay at Home conditions under which we are living, there is little else to talk about. In the interests of a different spin on the subject, I am contemplating the shape of things to come.

You may well ask if I am qualified to prognosticate on this front. Probably not, but no one really is despite the many so called experts who claim to be. So I will bravely forge ahead with three shape of things to come predictions.


Please do not shoot the messenger. I am just stating the obvious. All the emergency benefit and subsidy programs in place mean governments are spending money they do not have and doing so like a drunken sailor. The programs are well-intentioned and necessary. But eventually we will have to pay the piper.

Hundreds of thousands of people have lost their businesses or jobs. Unfortunately, some of them will not fully recover. Those of us fortunate enough to still be working will have to bear the brunt of paying down the mountain of debt.


Those of us in white collar jobs have been working at home for ten months. Companies have realized that they no longer need to pay for a roof, walls, heat and electricity. In the spirit of doing more with less, many companies will cancel their leases or sell their buildings.

The meaning of work life balance is changing. It no longer refers to what time you shut down your laptop and head home. It is now when you make the ten foot commute from your work area to your living area. Home is where the heart is will give way to home is where the work is.


On a busy work day, I can confidently say I get 100+ e-mails. They arrive faster than I can read and respond to them and eat up large chunks of my time. There are days when I do little else. So I predict that companies will be compelled to develop e-mail rules and protocols.

These protocols will include when an e-mail is and is not permissible, how many cc’s are allowed for a single e-mail and even how many e-mails a person will be permitted to send in one day. Programmers will build in controls that cut off a person’s ability to send e-mails when a specified number is reached in a single day.

The prevailing term in use at present for the change that is coming is the new normal. I dislike that term for a variety of reasons not at the least of which is that it is already a cliché.

It seems more accurate to say we will soon be awakening from the dream of reality to discover that the future is not what we hoped it would be. Buckle up: It is going to be a rough ride.

~ Now Available Online from Amazon, Chapters Indigo or Barnes & Noble: Hunting Muskie, Rites of Passage – Stories by Michael Robert Dyet

~ Michael Robert Dyet is also the author of Until the Deep Water Stills – An Internet-enhanced Novel which was a double winner in the Reader Views Literary Awards 2009. Visit Michael’s website at or the novel online companion at

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