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An Immaculate Swallowtail Befriending an Inhospitable Thistle

September 5th, 2015 by Michael Dyet

Canadian Tiger Swallowtail

Hmmm, is there a lesson in harmony to be learned from a chance encounter in the midst of a summer meadow?

Canadian Tiger Swallowtails are quite common in this area. They are also one of the larger butterflies hereabouts and are hard to miss as they sashay above the meadows. And, as you have already surmised, they are quite photogenic, especially when they are newly emerged and flawless as is the one in this photograph.

But what makes this photograph compelling to me is the juxtaposition of the graceful Swallowtail, which wings spread in its full glory, and the classy but unwelcoming thistle on which it is perched and feeding.

Thistles have evolved to discourage herbivorous animals from feeding on them. But I like to believe that this thistle, which appears to be nodding its approval, made an exception for this winged visitor, entranced as we are by the elegant Swallowtail that came to rest upon it.

An immaculate Swallowtail befriending an inhospitable thistle – a random act of metaphor for the way in which Mother Nature’s countless children find common ground in which to coexist. We have much to learn about harmony from them and much to gain if we choose to do so.

~ Michael Robert Dyet is the author of “Until the Deep Water Stills – An Internet-enhanced Novel” – double winner in the Reader Views Literary Awards 2009. Visit Michael’s website at or the novel online companion at

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