Hmmm, at the risk of repeating myself, what better reward could there be for 40+ years of work than to retire in the embrace of Mother Nature?
When I created Part 1 of these posts at the beginning of November, I assumed the warm weather was done for the year. I was mentally preparing myself for the gray, gloomy days of November. However, November has pleasantly surprised us with many comparatively warm and sunny days. I have been able to extend my nature excursions for another few weeks.
So I am still in the spirit of my “season of self-indulgence”. And in that spirit, I am sharing a few more of my favourite photographs of the amazing, and often miniature, world of insects.
Another favourite photograph of the year is the Leaf-footed Bug at the head of this post. This particular species is quite large as bugs go and rather prehistoric looking. To my mind’s eye it looks rather than a miniature dinosaur – don’t you think?

“True Bugs” are a distinct category within the many types of insects and some are quite striking – none more so than the Green Stink Bug on the left above. This one is in the nymph stage that insects pass through before they become adults. The Western Conifer Seed Bug shown above is also quite large and prehistoric looking but with a striking pattern of markings.

Bee Flies are, as the name suggests, members of the Fly family that are easily mistaken as bees. The Villa Lateralis Bee Fly on the left above wins the award in my book for the most striking member of this group with its elegant brown, black and orangish markings. The Tiger Bee Fly is less colourful but no less striking with its mottled wing markings.

Ichneumon Wasps are parasitic to other insects. They range in size from less than an inch to up to five inches. They offer endless fascination for insect lovers like me since there are over 2,500 species of them in Canada of which I have only seen 25 to date. I will not bore you with the long, scientific names. Just admire the two examples above on their own merits.
May I remind once you again that the term Mother Nature is a metaphor in itself? That metaphor continues to encapsulate for me the perfect convergence of beauty, complexity and soul-stirring wonder that replenishes my life force each time I experience it.
~ Now Available Online from Amazon, Chapters Indigo or Barnes & Noble: Hunting Muskie, Rites of Passage – Stories by Michael Robert Dyet
~ Michael Robert Dyet is also the author of Until the Deep Water Stills – An Internet-enhanced Novel which was a double winner in the Reader Views Literary Awards 2009. Visit Michael’s website at www.mdyetmetaphor.com or the novel online companion at www.mdyetmetaphor.com/blog.
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Tags: Bee Fly Villa Lateralis · Green Stink Bug · Inchneumon Wasps · Leaf-footed Bug · metaphor · Michael Robert Dyet · Mother Nature · Tiger Bee Fly · Western Conifer Seed BugNo Comments