Hmmm, are we in the midst of an oversensitivity pandemic?
If you are a fan of Steve Martin, the popular comedian and actor, you will have thought of him when you heard this phrase. It was his catch phrase and a central part of his comedy routine when he broke into the industry as an off the wall, stand-up comic.
If you are a Star Wars fan, you may recognize a variation of it: Well ex-cuuuuuuuuse me, Princess! That was Hans Solo responding to Princess Leia who was less than appreciative of his behaviour in the efforts to rescue her.
I find myself muttering that phrase under my breath with increasing frequency these days and struggling not to let it slip out of my mouth. There have been a few occasions where I so wanted to just let it rip!
Perhaps it is a sign of the stressful times we are living in, a sign of growing insecurity, or a bit of both. It seems many people are overly sensitive right now. They respond off the cuff with outrage before stopping to consider that there might be a rational explanation for what is setting them off and also a better way to deal with it.
Since I cannot actually respond the way I would like to in most instances, I will indulge myself here with a few responses I having been holding back.
Well excu-u-use me! if you are caught up in the world should revolve around me mentality. Your delusion is not my issue. I have better things to do than tiptoe around your ego.
Well excu-u-use me! if you only read half my e-mail message and missed the main point. Go back and read the other half. I am not inclined to repeat myself for your benefit.
Well excu-u-use me! if you are having a bad day and are looking for someone to unload on. We all have bad days. Some of us have learned to channel our frustrations more appropriately.
Well excu-u-use me! if you had a fight with your spouse, lost the argument and are in a pissy mood. Suck it up, Buttercup. I am not your verbal punching bag.
Well excu-u-use me! if you got stuck in traffic or missed your exit off the highway or forgot to fill up on gas before you left and are looking for someone to vent your frustration on. I am working from home and do not have those problems anymore. Lucky me. Too bad for you. Life just ain’t fair.
Well excu-u-use me! if you just simply do not like me. It probably means I do not like you either. Put my photo on a dartboard if it makes you feel better. The voodoo doll I am making that resembles you is almost finished.
And finally…
Well excu-u-use me! if this entire post ticks you off. That was kind of the point. It made me feel a lot better. And since this is my blog, not yours, I am entitled to say: Today is not your day. Tomorrow does not look good either. Deal with it.
~ Now Available Online from Amazon, Chapters Indigo or Barnes & Noble: Hunting Muskie, Rites of Passage – Stories by Michael Robert Dyet
~ Michael Robert Dyet is also the author of Until the Deep Water Stills – An Internet-enhanced Novel which was a double winner in the Reader Views Literary Awards 2009. Visit Michael’s website at www.mdyetmetaphor.com .
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